Tony Coward ADHD COACH

Wandering but never arriving?

Living the life of the ADHD ‘Nomad’?

Do you feel that life is taking you round in circles or that you’re struggling to make tracks in a sea of shifting sand? Exhausting isn’t it? But it doesn’t have to be like this. There is an escape.

The way out of the ‘ADHD Desert’ lies in truly understanding, embracing and harnessing all that you are, so that you can become all that you can be.

What if your aimless wandering could become a purposeful quest for self-discovery, growth and fulfilment?

Does this strike a chord with you? If so, then I can offer you a way to finally navigate out of the Desert. You’re not alone anymore. 

Since breaking free myself, I have coached many clients chart a new course toward clarity and freedom and liberate themselves from the limitations that once blocked their path.

The beauty of your journey truly lies in the exploration and discovery of new paths as well as the growth that comes from each experience. Together, we can embrace your challenges and replace the haze of uncertainty with the clear oasis of your future.

Let’s embrace the real you. Let’s find the path towards the reality you long for. It’s time to unearth your potential.

Are you ready to dig deeper?

Are you an ADHD Nomad?

  • I find it more difficult to function than my peers, it’s frustrating, I want to finally understand why.

  • My head is a mile ahead of the words I’m saying.

  • I have to work really hard to focus on things that don’t interest me.

  • I work twice as hard for twice as long as other people, only to achieve half as much. It hurts.

  • My brain just isn’t motivated enough to focus on things that I don’t find interesting but it’s hard to tear myself away from the stuff I really like.

  • I constantly need new experiences, novelties, gadgets, goals, thrills

  • Pride and shame deters me from revealing my inner struggles and as a result I feel isolated and alone.

  • To other people it looks like I function well, but there are costs that are hard to explain. Looks are deceptive, I feel a mess.

  • It doesn’t matter how much I know. I often feel incompetent.

  • I rely on obsessive behaviours and routines to guarantee organisation and structure.

If some of these statements reflect how you feel, you too may be an ADHD Nomad.

But you are not alone

If you’re smart, perceptive and have ADHD you already have the abilities that define some of our greatest entrepreneurs and leaders. ADHD is absolutely no barrier to success. The difference is the way in which you view yourself relative to the rest of your world. The good news is that by understanding and embracing your ADHD you can redefine yourself, redefine your goals and redefine your future self.

You can create the life you always wanted!

Free Download

Let’s open the doors to success and understanding when it comes to your unique brain.

Download my free guide now to “Harnessing Self-Knowledge: Your ADHD Journey Begins Here”

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Tony Coward, the founder of The ADHD Nomadd works with entrepreneurs and professionals whose fullest potential stubbornly continues to elude them. He provides ADHD coaching to facilitate the development of bespoke strategies for your success.

If you’re ready to tame your ADHD challenges, discover and capitalise on your strengths and find a pathway out of the ‘ADHD Desert’ then take the next step and book a Coaching Focus Call.

Crafting bespoke strategies, I coach ADHD entrepreneurs to navigate challenges, harness strengths, and attain the success they've been striving for.

Imagine your world without barriers.

What would be possible?